Due to the recent Coronavirus outbreak (Covid-19) we are following guidelines from Public Health England.
We currently have no intention of closing our office however should this be implemented we do have the facility to operate from home and continue to provide you with the best service possible.
Due to risk of infection and following Government advice our office practices have dramatically changed, please be patient with us whilst we deal with any enquiries you may have. We ask that anyone that has symptoms of Coronavirus such as a high temperature and/or a persistent cough do not attend our offices and self-isolate at home.
Please feel free to contact us by email or by phone as normal. Any voicemail messages left will be answered as soon as we are able.
All non-urgent appointments will be cancelled moving forward until further notice. This includes inspections and any non-urgent maintainance appointments.
Our Maintainance team will continue to work where possible during this outbreak. If your matter is not urgent please report it in writing as normal and we will schedule this to be done once authorised and once the risk of infection has reduced. If we do have to attend your property please stand at least 6 steps away from any of our staff members at all times to try and reduce the risk of infection.
Most of our tenants already pay rent directly into the bank. If you usually pay cash into the office are able please try to pay your rent into the bank account this will avoid you risking your own health travelling to the office. If you struggle to pay your rent please contact a member of our staff urgently so that we can try and assist you.
Our bank account details are below for those who are able to set up payments on Telephone/Online banking:
Account Name: Panda Property Ltd
Account Sort Code: 09 – 01 – 29
Account Number: 34471528
Please ensure a reference is put against the payment such as your name or property address.
If you are struggling to obtain essential supplies i.e. food and medicines and need help please contact our office and we will try and assist you where possible.
We appreciate your co-operation at this time.